1000 pieces – Tuesday 11th April 2023

1000 pieces

The selected jigsaw has 1000 pieces. Apparently, it would have been all right for us to help. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get your paws around pieces of jigsaw that are that small? Mind you, do you have any idea how much trouble we get into if we try to use our mouths instead? That was where Alfie went wrong years ago – mind you, swallowing to cover his tracks didn’t help the situation. 

In the end Ari and I just watched. 

Crossing my paws

I’ve told Mum that I think my eye is feeling a little better than it was. We’re all crossing our paws that I’m right. I wish I knew what I’d done that caused it in the first place so I could avoid it in future. At least when Alfie did something similar years ago it had been a very windy day and he thought he’d got grit in his eye. His healed as it was supposed to, so he was lucky there too. Mind you, he was also a much better patient than I am.

Garden planning

As they weren’t out gardening, Mum found time to sit down with Aristotle yesterday to do some planning. He rather overordered his seeds this year and Mum said he needed to make some decisions on which were his main priorities. Between them they have sorted them all out and put them in planting order. They even discussed where things will go so they have beds ready in time. 

Today they need to start by sorting out the seedlings in the greenhouse to make space for the ones that still need to be planted in there. That job would be so much easier in the rain if the greenhouse didn’t leak so badly.



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