In the wars – Wednesday 22nd February 2023

In the wars

Poor old Ari is in the wars. He went to see the vet yesterday and they have done another fine needle aspiration of the lump on his leg. This time the vet thought there might be enough cells for the lab to analyse properly. Mum discussed what the options are. If the result is inconclusive then for safety he should have the lump removed. I tried to reassure Ari that it would be fine and said he only had to look at my own surgery for some reassurance.

I can understand him being worried. He is quite a bit older than me and with his heart problems there is more risk. He lost a brother to heart failure following an operation and he says it really makes you think. Maybe it will come back clear and he won’t have to worry, but I think he needs to be prepared for that not being the case.

Thinking time

When he got back he said he just wanted to go and spend time outside in the garden. He wanted to do some thinking. Mum had managed to get some more seed compost for him. He’s still got about 18 packets of seeds that are best planted in February so he may be gone some time. The shovel he ordered for Mum has arrived so he’s asked her to get on with moving the compost for him while he disappears into the greenhouse.

Exciting morning

I’m in for an exciting morning. I’m going to meet up with Mum’s other great-nephew for a walk. When I say we’re meeting for a walk, he is only eighteen months old so he won’t be doing all that much walking. We’re going to Coombe Abbey as there are plenty of things there for him to do. Mum says if I’m really good she’s going to let me have my first off lead time since my operation. If that isn’t an incentive to be good then I don’t know what is.

