Arrow Valley Country Park
What a walk we had yesterday at Arrow Valley Country Park. This time we didn’t get lost. The park is just outside Redditch covers a very large area. Sadly the visitor centre is closed at the moment for building work, but it will reopen soon.
Instead of thinking we’d come to the end when we came to the first road, Mum had looked at the Ordnance Survey Map and realised that at that point we should keep going along what started as a road but became a footpath again. Although the green route starts being marked but then the markers disappear, but only after taking you in the opposite direction than the route map we’d printed off the internet. Anyway, with the help of the OS map, we realised where to go.
The middle bit
There is a wonderful middle bit between the footpaths. It goes alongside some pylons and there is a super area where Albert, Izzy and I ran and ran. Poor old Salvo wasn’t allowed to run with me as he’s not good at recall. I felt a bit mean not being able to run with my brother, but I had to admit to him that I can have my moments on recall if there’s something more interesting to run after.
There were football pitches where Dad sensibly kept me on my lead and then a large skate board. Oh how I wanted to have a go. There was no one using it at all. I wouldn’t have got in anyone’s way. There was just one tiny flaw in the plan. I don’t have a skateboard. It made me envy Shadow’s son Tucker who had been skateboarding. I wondered how he would have got on with the skate park. Maybe I should invite him to stay so he can try it.
Not too muddy
At least the way we went yesterday didn’t involve going through the really muddy bit. Don’t get me wrong, I love mud and was quite happy. It’s just that I do so hate to hear Mum moaning so much and she wasn’t happy with the mud.
The whole route took us about an hour and three quarters and we were much quieter when we got back to the car than we had been when we set off. Unfortunately Mum didn’t remember to take any photos.