Bucket and spade
As it turned out yesterday I didn’t need my bucket and spade after all. The weather for the first part of our journey was atrocious. It was as though someone was using a big bucket to throw water at the car. Mum said the good thing was that there was very little traffic which made it easier. The other good thing was that it meant the weather was cooler, so apart from getting very wet it wasn’t so hard for me to get out for breaks.
Change of plan
We’d passed Paris before lunch as we’d had an early start. That was when Mum gave me a choice. As the journey was going so well I could either go to the beach at Le Touquet as planned or we could carry on, get on the Eurotunnel and go home to see Dad. What kind of choice is that to give a dog? On the one paw, I haven’t been to the beach for so long but on the other paw I miss Dad soooo much when we’re not together. I looked at Mum and she looked at me and we both smiled. It was an easy choice.
Home again
All that means that instead of another day on the road today, I can have a lazy day in the garden seeing what Ari has been up to in my absence. That’s probably the very best sort of a day really. It certainly turns out there was a lot he wasn’t telling me. The vegetables might be doing well, but the arbour blew over and the grass is a meadow rather than a lawn. On the bright side, this is going to mean an awful lot of time outside for Mum to fix it all. And if Mum is outside, then so will we be.
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