Sand Bay Beach – Thursday 12th October 2023

Sand Bay Beach

Yesterday we went to Sand Bay Beach. At last we’ve managed to go to the seaside. It wasn’t exactly what Mum and I have been hoping for, but it did have some of the important ingredients. It had sand and we could see the sea. However, the tide was a long way out and there were warnings that the sand was not safe to walk on. We could only walk right at the top of the beach, which meant we couldn’t paddle. Mum said it was good to smell the sea, even if we couldn’t get any closer and we did see and hear one gull. Oddly there were more crows than gulls.


Mum got very excited about all the driftwood and wished she’d got her better camera with her. She was also thinking of the things she could make out of it. Let’s be honest, it’s all very well her coming up with ideas, but it’s never going to happen. I just wanted her to throw it for me to play fetch.

Instead we just had a lovely long walk for an hour. We couldn’t stay longer than that as Mum hadn’t paid for longer in the car park. Mind you, the weather wasn’t great so I didn’t really mind. It only rained on us a little bit, so I can’t complain too much.

Windy drive

For reasons only known to Mum, she decided we’d drive cross country from there to where we are staying. It took an hour and a half to go quite a short distance. By the time we arrived even she was wondering why she’d done it. We’re staying in a little place called Henley. It really does seem to be in the middle of nowhere and is perfect. We have a sort of cabin with a bedroom and a lounge and it’s quite lovely. There were even dog biscuits for me on arrival.



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