Winter Solstice – Friday 22nd December 2023

Winter solstice

Today is the winter solstice. Oh happy day. It’s funny how much just knowing that the days are going to get longer for the next six months can lift Mum’s mood. To be honest, yesterday was so peopley around here that she was always going to be happier today than she was then. We are now looking forward to some builder free time for a couple of weeks. Mum is celebrating by renewing the batteries in some of the Christmas lights that have dimmed or gone out. She is also moving some things back into place inside the house and taking off their dust sheets for a couple of weeks. You could almost think things were a bit more normal around here if you didn’t look too hard.

A worrying thought

I’ve had a worrying thought. Now I’m an only dog, who is going to write the diary for you if I want a day off? Or what if I’m not well? It has always been an unspoken rule that we never ask Mum to do it, but there’s always been one of us able to take over if necessary. I suppose it’s another important thing for me to add to my list of reasons why I need my humans to get me a puppy as soon as possible.

Alfie started writing when he was about ten weeks old. I’m going to need a bright puppy to make sure they can get up to speed quickly.

Some of my friends’ humans have been talking about their dogs being able to spell words. They have no idea just what we can do, but try not to let on. If you realised just how much we are capable of you wouldn’t constantly give us treats for the little achievements that you see. We can understand an awful lot more than most humans ever realise.



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