Good news and bad news
I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that Mum has found my favourite ball. As she suspected it was hidden in the long grass beneath one of the apple trees. Eventually as she cut more of the grass we thought it would turn up and it did. Now all I want to do is play with it. Sadly, that’s where the bad news comes in. I’ve tweaked my knee. Mum thinks the most likely is my cruciate ligament and it is only tweaked and not torn, which I’m glad about. This is where Mum being prepared comes in handy. She has immediately dug out the knee brace that she has in my size and put it on. It’s surprisingly comfortable, once I’d got used to it.

It worked for Shadow
Years ago, conservative management, before things got too bad, worked for Shadow, and Mum is sincerely hoping the same will be true for me. Neither of us want me to have to have a big knee operation as that then means crate rest for ages. Aristotle had to have his knee operated on and he said it was ok, but it was never really the same after that. I’ve got to be a good girl and have lots of gentle exercise. Mum says once it’s a little better she may book for me to go swimming as well.
Compost bin
I don’t like to alarm you, but there’s someone living in our compost bin. A while ago there was a bit of digging underneath and Mum thought it was me or Ari. She filled the hole in and even though we denied it was us, she still thought it might be. Yesterday Mum was working out if she could build another bin on the end of the row and suddenly realised there was a pile of earth where a hole had been dug under the back of the one she’d filled in the hole at the front.
That would be bad enough, but that one has a wooden lid and something has chewed its way through the corner of the lid. Mum doesn’t want to lift the lid to find out what’s there. She says she will leave it a while in case it is hibernating, but I think she’s just scared to discover who it is!
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