Bright ideas
As bright ideas go this one is not looking like one of Mum’s better ones – at least not from where I’m lying. She is putting a garden around the outside of the patio wall, but is doing it with plants in pots. That part is not a problem. Mum has prepared the ground, put down something that stops weeds and put an edge in place so she can fill the area with gravel underneath the pots. That is where the problem starts. We have quite a long drive and it is gravel. The delivery of the gravel for the patio can only be brought to somewhere that is solid. That means that when a tonne of gravel arrives in a big bag on Monday it won’t come further than the roadside. Mum will have to move it from there.
At this point, I’m quite glad I can say ‘I can’t help, I’m recovering from a back operation.’ Moving a tonne of gravel isn’t in my job description as far as I recall. Mum could be very tired by the end of the process.
Chewing my knees
Mum has stopped my painkillers. I’m chewing my knees more. Unfortunately, there is a link between the two things. I’m not supposed to still be in pain. Mum isn’t really sure what to do. She doesn’t want me to stay on the painkillers, but she doesn’t want me in discomfort either. She’s asked me to see how I go over the weekend and then we’ll review things. It’s only another two weeks after that until I see the consultant, so I don’t think she wants to bring my appointment forward.
I know it isn’t that long since I had my operation, but I shouldn’t still be hurting. I have to say, I’m a little concerned.
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