National Herb Centre
Today is National Herb Centre Day. Aristotle would have loved to go. I’ve asked if I can stay at home as I think it might all be a bit much. Mum, on the other paw, is rather excited. As you will realise by now, she’s a very big fan of herbs. The thought of being faced with so much choice is almost more than she can bear. She has quite a shopping list in her head and just hopes that Dad will be happy with it. I’m just going to wait here to see what she comes back with. I’ve asked if I can sit outside with her this afternoon when she starts planting them. I don’t think it’s supposed to be too hot, but I can always ask Dad to put the umbrella up for me to sit under on the patio.
Mum had to move my new bed yesterday as they were having visitors and it was in the way. You wouldn’t believe the spiders that crawled out of the bed. I was horrified – not as horrified as Mum, but close. Mum said it was the biggest spider she’s seen since we moved here nearly three years ago. Why they particularly like my bed we don’t know, but Mum was less than impressed. She said we’re going to have to check it regularly or she will refuse to sit on it with me. To be honest, I could see her point.
And if it’s not spiders…
There was Mum sitting with her feet up in a chair yesterday when she felt something crawling down her foot. She reacted thinking it was another of the spider community and was surprised to find it was actually a cricket. What a cricket was doing in our garden room, we really don’t know – although Mum wondered if it was taking the room’s name a little too literally. She wasn’t a happy person at all.
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