Weekend walks
I’ve been planning my weekend walks and am ready with lots of suggestions when Mum and Dad ask what I want to do. I presume they will ask. After all those weeks of not being able to do the things I wanted to do, I do assume I’ll get first choice for this weekend. There is of course some gardening to do and I’m going to help with that, but that shouldn’t get in the way of going to places I haven’t been to for a while. Life is so much better when Dad is around to come for walks as well as Mum. For one thing, I relax more. I don’t see it as my role to be the protector quite so much. It becomes a shared responsibility. That means I don’t feel the need to react to quite so much too.
Dog play area
I also thought it was time that I reminded Mum and Dad about the idea of creating a dog play area in the garden. Now that I can really start thinking about my puppy I want to get that ready before they move in. I’m not sure if it will be possible, but I’d like it to be a separately fenced area, so that I know my puppy can play safely without me being quite so worried. Our fences are secure, but if wild animals can find a way in then it’s always possible they will do it in a way that a puppy could get out – and I wouldn’t want that.
What to setup?
I don’t know what to setup for us to play with. Mum might buy us some things if I ask nicely, but I’m not really sure what to ask for. I need to find a design of an area that we could copy. After a bit of searching on the internet I didn’t come up with very much. If you know of any plans then please let me know.
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