You don’t realise how much you’ve been shedding until you ask Mum to put the spare crate away. Honestly, it was embarrassing when she moved it and I realised how much fur I’d lost down the back of it. I know it’s summer and I moult because it’s warm and I don’t need so much fur, but I don’t normally have to actually see how bad it is. I suppose the human equivalent is those times you have to unblock the shower plughole because of all the hair you’ve lost – although that seems to happen all the time with humans rather than seasonally.
Anyway, I encouraged Mum to get the vacuum cleaner out to clear it all up and now the area where the crate was is as good as new. It’s one of the advantages of having a tiled floor now – that and fewer carpet moths!
Dragon fly
I wished we could have got a photograph of it, but when we were in the garden yesterday we saw a dragon fly which was bigger than we’ve ever seen before. It was massive. Most of the ones we see are bright colours, but this one was sort of browns. It was amazing though. I think we have so many because of the pond. It’s one of the best bits about it – given the ducks haven’t come back.
Hot weather
All of a sudden we’re going to have hot weather again. Just today and tomorrow, Mum says. I’m thinking of staying somewhere cool and shady until it passes. I don’t suppose Mum will do much gardening if it’s really hot. She says she’ll get more done waiting until it cools down again on Tuesday. She was doing some weeding yesterday with me offering encouragement from time to time. Parts of our garden are a bit of a jungle at the moment and at one point I thought I’d lost her to some wild animals, but she reappeared after a while.
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