Street and Glastonbury
Yesterday I went to places called Street and Glastonbury. When we walked around the town centre and market in Street I really wasn’t feeling myself and barked rather more than I’m proud of. I was feeling very edgy around other dogs again. Mum asked if I was ok as I hadn’t been that bad since I was ill earlier in the year. I didn’t really know what to say. I didn’t feel right, but I couldn’t really put my paw on why. For some reason I was very nervy around traffic too, but that is partly because I live somewhere so quiet the rest of the time.
I didn’t get to try any of the food at the farmers’ market, which was my own fault really. There was even a stall with things for dogs so it wasn’t as though it would all have been bad for me.
We did quite a lot of driving around between the two places, but then it was time for a lovely walk. We parked in the wrong car park which meant walking through the town to get to the abbey. I wasn’t as jumpy as I had been earlier but I wasn’t perfect. Then I had a lovely walk. I was surprised I was going to be allowed in as it looked the sort of place that normally says no dogs, but it was fine.

The best bit was that the abbey has quite a large orchard and I was able to go and give the apples a good sniff, even if Mum said I wasn’t allowed to eat them. We walked all around the abbey ruins and then when we’d had enough Mum actually said I could have an ice cream. I haven’t had one for a very long time, so naturally I was excited. The sign said they sold the special dog ice creams so we went up to order. I was so crestfallen when they said they hadn’t got any. Mum saw my little face and bought me a regular vanilla one for being a good girl. She’s feeling sorry for me too for having so many health problems recently. I was very grateful and only got a small amount of ice cream and dog slobber on her dress.

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