Crufts and Discover Dogs – Tuesday 7th March 2023

Crufts and Discover Dogs

This week it’s Crufts and Discover Dogs. I’m really fed up as I’d like to be going. Mum still isn’t going to places with lots of people because of the Covid risk. I asked if I could go without her. Sadly she said that I’m still recovering from my operation so it’s better I don’t go this year anyway. She’s promised to think about taking me next year. On the bright side, by then I might be completely back in shape. I haven’t weighed myself for a few weeks, but Izzy said she thought I was getting a waistline again and my harness is definitely on the loose side, so the signs are good.

Meet my friends

Anyway, if you are going to Crufts or Discover Dogs you’ll be able to meet some of my friends and family. Friday is show day when a number of them will be in the ring, but for Thursday to Sunday some of them will be on our Discover Dogs stand so that interested members of the public can meet us and get to know more about what we’re like to live with. I’m hoping my friends might send us some pictures to show you at least.


Aristotle is very excited as the first of the seeds he’s planted are coming through. It’s the first time he and Mum have tried growing Dahlia’s from seed, so seeing the seedlings putting in an appearance is exciting for both of them. He’s said they’re to go in some of the pots in front of the house, but they’ll have to get much bigger before they go anywhere.

The potatoes aren’t looking so good so it’s best not to mention those. The first ones got too excited while still in the packet they were sent in and now look very woeful. The replacements don’t seem to want to chit, but it may be too soon.

