Pleased to see Dad – Saturday 11th March 2023

Pleased to see Dad

I’m always pleased to see Dad when he comes home. It’s been confusing recently. I was used to how things worked when he was in Switzerland. He’d be here for a few weeks then he’d be gone for a while. Now he seems to be somewhere different every week and I have no idea when to wait by the door. Mum told me he’d be home yesterday morning, so I was all excited. Then we were worried with the snow his plane might be delayed, which it was but not by much. He sent Mum a text to say he was leaving the airport, so I decided to get into position ready to throw myself at him half an hour later. Then the phone rang…

Flat battery

Dad’s car had a flat battery. He couldn’t start it to drive home. Given the bad weather Mum guessed the breakdown people might take a while to get to him, so she went to the rescue. She did give us our lunch before she went in case it took a while. There were still a couple of problems when she reached the airport car park. The car park that Dad was in was closed to any new traffic going in. Fortunately it’s linked to another car park, so she found an unofficial route to get to Dad. Dad’s car was parked with the bonnet to the wall. They would have to push it out into the middle before linking it to Mum’s car. Mum has a bad back. Dad has a bad back. They stood looking at the problem.

To the rescue

To their delight and amazement, the lovely man from Silver Knight Rescue arrived as they were looking at the car. It hadn’t taken him long at all to get to Dad. He had a special machine to jump start the car and everything was resolved.

Mum came home ahead of Dad so was already in the house when I heard Dad arrived. Oh how I cried with delight that he was finally here. He gives the best cuddles and I showered him with affection. He has to go away again on Monday so I’m going to make the most of him while he’s here – although he is going to buy a new battery for the car today and I don’t think I’m going with him for that.

