Update on Wilma – Tuesday 4th April 2023

Update on Wilma

It’s Aristotle here with an update on Wilma. She’s taking the day off to recover from having an operation yesterday. To be honest, she’s feeling pretty sorry for herself. Her third eye-lid is across much of her eye, so she can’t see very well at the moment. The anaesthetic hit her a little harder this time and she was singing for a while when she came home. The vet thinks what she has done will work, but in the short term it will have made the wound bigger. Wilma has a contact lens covering it at the moment, which must feel pretty weird.  

She is totally fed up with eye drops and can’t wait for them to stop. However, at least until her check up on Thursday the cone and eye drops continue. After that we don’t know.

My turn

I’m off to the vet this afternoon about the lump on my leg and the one on my nose. We’re almost certain I’m going to have the one on my leg operated on, but that won’t actually be today. We need more information on the one on my nose. Mum says she’s hoping that I might be able to have the one on my leg removed this week and that if that happens then the one on my nose should be removed too. There go my handsome good looks. I suppose at my age they’ve probably gone already, but a boy can dream.


At this rate it’s going to be a very quiet Easter around here. I just hope we will be able to be outdoors. Maybe if we have to be confined, Mum could set a pen up for us in the garden so we can at least see what’s going on. The big puppy pen is in the shed so I might suggest that could come out.



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  1. Hello Ari, thanks for the latest news. We hope all goes well for you at the Vets today. Please send our love to Wilma. Fingers ? you will both be running about and up to mischief again soon!!! Love from us all Sheila,Mark and Dottie XXX

    • Thank you. I’m over my anaesthetic but not cooperating on the eye drops so Mum is cross with me. I can’t wait for us to be running about

      Love to you all

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