My humans need help
I really don’t know where to start but my humans need help. There is Dad who seems to have taken to smashing crockery when he does the washing up. That’s two things in two weeks. It was Mum’s favourite plate today, but she took it well. Then there’s Mum who is going through a phase of getting lots of measurements wrong. The latest was helping me order the butterfly netting to go over my broccoli. I knew she wasn’t listening when I told her the size of vegetable trough we’d bought. She’s found a way to make it work, but the frame for the netting isn’t really big enough.
Then there are the gnomes
Dad needs to set up a printer. He is not the technical one of the family. Mum was explaining to him what he will need to do. Now, in the past she has explained wireless to him as gnomes in each device calling to each other. Now she’s told him that in order to get the printer to see the wireless network he will need to learn to speak gnome. He made some odd noises and asked if that was right. Mum shook her head sadly and said he needed to sound more like the Clangers.
The Brownie addiction
If you have one remaining brownie and you cut it into four pieces so you can eat one quarter a day for the next four days, how many pieces do you have at the end of day one? You’d think the answer would be three! Sadly, living with a brownie addict the answer turned out to be none – making the whole cutting it into four pieces an entirely pointless task.
People – help. This is what I have to put up with. What’s a dog supposed to do?