What’s the world coming to when I’m expected to do some retraining at my age. Yes, I know it’s rude to bark at people. Yes, I know I shouldn’t lunge at passing dogs. That doesn’t mean I want to go through a whole programme to be reminded of good manners. My poor health this year and how little we socialised during covid have all come together to leave me less adept in social situations than I used to be. In my defence, I don’t think Mum is coping with them awfully well either. Ok, so she doesn’t bark, but she does prefer to avoid them and that’s as bad in a different way.
If I hear the word ‘focus’ one more time… Oh I don’t know. Mum’s right, if I remember to focus on her and know I’m going to be rewarded for that, then I don’t react at the wrong times. Yesterday morning I managed a whole walk without barking once, even though there was a strange man taking photos, a woman on a bike with a dog running beside her and another dog walker. Frankly I think I deserved more treats than I was given, but then I would, wouldn’t I?
Selfie stick
Mum has been trying out our selfie stick. She gets in a bit of a muddle, but it does make it possible to take some photos of the two of us together. Some of the photos where funny as they were ‘live’ shots. She has no idea why or how she did it, but they reminded me of the pictures in Harry Potter where the subjects can move between frames.

I’m trying to make the most of my mountain. I’ve only got another couple of days before I have to leave it behind. I hate leaving here, but Mum says we’re already booked to come back later in the year so I guess it’s not so bad.
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