A Mixed Day – Wednesday 14th June 2023

A mixed day

Yesterday was a mixed day. When Mum and I went out first thing, one of the local farms was burning off some field or other and the air was full of smoke. Mum had to put a mask on for our walk and then spend the morning indoors until some of the smoke had cleared. The lady in the hotel said it was something to do with the olives. It made me think of Aristotle and wonder how his olive bushes are doing at home. I gave him a ring and told him I was missing him. The good news is his olives are starting to do quite well again, and he said Dad’s potatoes are looking very good. It made me miss the garden at home a little bit.

Chill out time

The afternoon was much better. We had some chill out time by the pool before going for a longer walk. It was lovely being able to sit on the sun lounger with Mum and relax. It was raining a little bit so there weren’t many people around. I did have a good bark a couple of times and Mum has sat me down again to discuss my behaviour. Really, I don’t know why I’m doing it. I got so out of the habit of seeing strange people during Covid and just can’t seem to get back to thinking strangers are ok. I’m trying, really I am. To be honest it is worse than that because I’m even barking madly at some people I’ve met before and even I know that’s not necessary.

Lockdown puppies

It does make me realise how hard life must be for lockdown puppies who didn’t have the opportunity to socialise properly when they were young. Mum says I should be leading my example, but it’s going to take me a lot of hard work to get back to being able to do that. Mum has promised that we will keep trying until I can get my head straight.



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