Christmas is cancelled – Monday 26th June 2023

Christmas is cancelled

I’m sorry to have to tell you that Christmas is cancelled. For that matter so is the whole of November and December. The way it’s going September and October aren’t looking good either.

Some while ago, Mum and Aristotle put in a compost bin system. Ari asked for six compost bins. He planned to use one for each two months of the year. Then he could leave it and by the time he needed to use it again he was hoping to have more soil for his veg beds. It’s a great theory and started well.

Looking good

January to April are looking good. He did fill each of the bins by the end of the two months, but then they started to reduce and with some help from Dad turning it over, his plan might just work.

Everything started to go wrong in May. Aristotle has now learnt that the amount of grass cuttings in May and June is very much more than can fit in a one metre cubed compost holder. His suggestion to Mum was that if they started to use the November / December bin then once the May / June bin went down they could move it all across. It was more work, but sounded plausible.

Not going well

He and Mum had filled November / December by Saturday and had to move on to September / October. That one is almost full too. The good news is that Mum is having some dental work done today and isn’t allowed to do any heavy work for a couple of days. I think she’ll be able to safely start on the July / August bin when they get back to grass cutting but then I think they may have to take the rest of the year off.

I’ve also worked out that she may be fairly grumpy when she comes back from the dentist!



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