Missing my friends – Sunday 25th June 2023

Missing my friends

I can quite honestly say I’m missing my friends. I don’t think I’ve ever suffered from post-holiday blues before, but then I’ve never spent so much time with my friends and family while we’re away. One thing it has made me realise is that I don’t wish to be an only dog. Oh I love my humans, but canine company is good for me too. Ari is fine, although he’s a bit old and not so much fun. It has made me realise that as I get older I’m going to need to ask for a puppy of my own to keep me young. I understand now why Alfie liked having me around, even though I probably was quite annoying at times.

Frustrating day

Yesterday became a frustrating day when the same bonfire was started up and blew smoke towards our house again. Poor Mum was really very unhappy and had to close all the windows. That meant we were all unhappy as the house got hot and we couldn’t come and go as we pleased. It also meant we didn’t get as far with the gardening as Mum had hoped. It all feels a bit never ending at the moment. I’m sure the grass is growing faster than Mum can cut it.

Writing up reviews

Mum has told me I’ve got to sit down and write all my hotel reviews before I forget which ones I liked. I said she could do them for me, but she wasn’t happy with that idea as they have to be from a dog’s eye view. She also pointed out that she’d already done hers at which point I muttered something under my breath, which she fortunately didn’t hear. I guess I’ll make a start later on, Mum will only nag me otherwise.



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