A vet and a castle – Saturday 15th July 2023

A vet and a castle

Yesterday my day involved a vet and a castle, one of which was better than the other. We went to the vet first thing in the morning to get my passport stamped ready for going home. That meant more worming tablets having only had some about three weeks ago. Rules are rules, so I was a good girl and didn’t complain.

The day got a whole lot better after that. We walked from where we are staying along the path I told you about the other day. It turns out it goes straight into the land surrounding a small Belgian Castle. It’s more of a large country house than a castle really, but it was very nice.


It was lovely woodland with good paths all around it. We saw a deer, but Mum said I couldn’t go to say hello, which was frankly disappointing. Mum had to laugh, another dog owner apologised to us because their dog kept barking at me. The laughter was because a couple of months ago it was me barking and Mum having to apologise. Once again I was a good girl and I didn’t answer back at all. Mum is really pleased with how I’ve been doing, although the vet weighed me which reminded me I’m supposed to be dieting. Mum wants me to make an effort to lose some before the show I’m in in September.

Quiet afternoon

We had a quiet afternoon so Mum could catch up on some work. I didn’t mind. I was quite tired from the morning and it was warm outside, so I was happier in the cool. Mum even had a nap in the afternoon too. She said she was saving her energy as she had to drive to the airport to collect Dad in the evening. He’s only here until tomorrow, but it’s better than him not being here at all.



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