Swimming again
Aristotle went swimming again yesterday. Oh you should have seen the fuss he made. When Mum took him to the car he simply plonked his paws down and said he wasn’t going. Mum had to be quite stern with him, but he was adamant he didn’t want to go. She got him into the car eventually, but only after agreeing to take his new Belly Dog shampoo which makes his coat all shiny. He said that was just a small consolation for having to go in the pool.
Mum has booked him in again in two weeks’ time. He says he’s going to be out that day.
Head support
He has a head support now when he’s in the water, to help keep the water out of his ears. Begrudgingly he says it does help, but he’d rather not need it. The lady made him swim in circles both ways around the pool so he used different muscles. It made Mum remember how Alfie could only cope with swimming in one direction because of his dementia. At least Ari is still of sound mind, or at least he’s as close to that as he’s ever been. He’s always been a little bit weird, but mainly in a good way.
He is losing some of his muscle along his back and needs to start doing some daily exercises. Mum has to make him stand on three legs and change which leg he holds off the ground. Once he’s more stable she has to get him to shift his weight so he’s standing differently and using more of his back muscles to hold his position. He’s not happy about the whole idea. Mum has said if her own physiotherapy can help her then there is no reason why exercises can’t help Aristotle too. He didn’t seem convinced.
Love Wilma
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