Early days
Well it’s early days for Rafa’s medication. So far we haven’t noticed any difference at all. Although he will go into his crate voluntarily, he doesn’t want to stay there and shouts the house down. That in turn is winding Aristotle up, which is causing the rest of us a lot of stress. At the moment, the only way for there to be any peace in the house is for Rafa to be given priority and, if I’m being honest, both Ari and I are getting a bit fed up about that. There really needs to be some give and take, but Rafa isn’t used to that as far as we can tell. We just have to hope that as his medication builds up he is able to chill out a bit more.
Plant moving continues
Aristotle’s plant moving is continuing. He’s now finished moving all the herbs and is onto the roses and the quince. The problem is that the trough he built is already nearly full. I think he’s got room for one more plant and that will be it. I think he’s going to cut the broccoli back and use part of that trough too. Unfortunately, some butterflies seem to have got through his netting for the broccoli and most of his plants are looking a bit threadbare. He wants to do a complete redesign of how he looks after broccoli before trying again next year.
Selling bricks
Ari has hatched a plan with Mum to sell some bricks. I know it sounds odd, but when he was taking his plants out of the area around the patio the bricks that its built from kept falling off. Then the builder told us we could sell them. Now all Ari has to do is take all the bricks out of the wall, and pile them up on a pallet ready for collection. When I say ‘all’ I may be underplaying the amount of work involved!
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