A lovely birthday – Friday 26th July 2024

A lovely birthday

I had a lovely birthday. Thank you all for the lovely messages. My walk at Oakley Woods was everything I was hoping it would be. There were so many different smells to check on. It felt good to be alive as we skipped along the path. It was mainly me doing the skipping. Mum doesn’t tend to skip all that much, which frankly I think is a shame.

Mum could tell how happy I was as I didn’t bark at anyone. Not even the man that we saw who didn’t have a dog with him. Someone stopped Mum after I got back in the car by going up my ramp and said that their dogs wouldn’t use a ramp. Mum explained how to get us used to a ramp. You start with it flat on the floor and get us to walk along it with a treat. Then you raise it a little way, before finally putting it for us to get into the car. We all learnt when we were young so that we’d be ready to use it when we needed it.

My present

Obviously I had a cooked lunch. It was turkey rather than steak. I don’t know what happened to steak. I did ask for it, but having said that the turkey was nice too. Then in the afternoon Mum gave me my present. By the time she did, I was starting to think she hadn’t got me anything. However, when she took me out into the garden, there it was – or more to the point, there they were. She knows me so well. I have two pieces of tree trunk that I can use for stumpies. They are thin pieces so I don’t have to jump up or down from them.

Now I just need to decide where in the garden I’d like to put them. It’s amazing how happy a girl can be when she’s given two pieces of wood.



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