An Odd Birthday – Wednesday 26th July 2023

An odd birthday

Yesterday was an odd birthday. As you get older no one seems to take quite so much notice of your birthday. They certainly don’t go out of their way to spoil you as they do when you’re young. I made several suggestions of how I’d like to spend the day. Nowhere on that list was cleaning out the guttering. Even if I’d given a very long list, it still wouldn’t have been on it. Yes, it meant we spent a lot of time outdoors and that is always good in my book, but I had in mind being curled up in the big chair with Mum doing nothing for the afternoon and sleeping off my earlier exertions.

Birthday apples

I asked for steak and Mum reminded me of my diet. I thought that was a bit coming from someone eating a chocolate brownie. Instead I did the healthy thing and went and helped myself to an apple or five. Ok, healthy would have meant I stopped at one, but I’m an addict and I just can’t do that. I don’t eat as many as Ari does at the moment, but he has the good fortune to be skinny and be able to eat as many as he likes.

Mum has promised there will be steak after Saturday. I know we’re going to fun day, but I think Mum is almost as excited to be able to go to the wonderful butchers in our old village and stock up on good quality meat. Some of that will be steak and I know I’ll be given at least a little bit – I’m just not sure when.


To all our surprise Mum has also got the paintbrushes out again. You’ll understand how much of a surprise it is when I tell you the bathroom has been half painted for the last year or so. For whatever reasons she has suddenly decided to finish the job, which means we’re all wearing a fetching shade of purple on our fur and in our hair – Mum included.



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