Some holiday – Sunday 28th July 2024

Some holiday

Some holiday I’m going to have when I go to Switzerland. Obviously I know Mum has to book me in for a vet visit before I can come home. That’s just part of my normal travel arrangements. This time however she’s booked me a separate appointment to have an update to my rabies vaccination. Because an English vet is not allowed to write in my passport, I need to have the vaccination with a vet who is authorised to do that. Even though I shall have another month to run before mine expires, Mum wants me to have it while I’m in Switzerland. I do understand. My passport won’t continue to be valid if I don’t, but it really is a pain. I do wish the UK would reach a sensible arrangement with Europe.

Obviously, it would have been better if we’d never left in the first place. Don’t even get me started on that one.

Sheep are funny

I’ve reached the conclusion that sheep are funny. I’ve told you before how they shout at Mum when she starts working in the garden near to the fence. Yesterday I can only think they didn’t like the rain. They had been relatively quite, except for the occasional baa here and there. However, when it rained all that changed. Suddenly they were all shouting at once. I’m not sure why they were complaining. The rain had been forecast. They could just as easily have found somewhere to shelter, but instead they just stood out in it, complaining loudly.

I barked quite loudly, but that was only to tell Mum that she’d forgotten to close the French doors and all the water was coming in. Oddly, given just how loud my voice is, she didn’t hear me, so she had some mopping up to do!



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