Fox Party
We think there has been a fox party in the orchard. Mum has been going round clearing up fox poo. I have been going round trying to roll in it, before Mum has chance to clear it up. To be honest, the orchard is paradise at the moment. Fox poo to roll in, apples to eat – what’s not to like? Oddly, Mum sees things somewhat differently.
I think the foxes must be as keen on eating the apples as I am. It’s a shame we don’t have a wildlife camera set up there. It would be fun to see exactly what goes on when I’m not there. I can sniff some of it out, but that’s not the same as being able to see it too.
Salvo’s humans
It was lovely to see my brother Salvo’s humans yesterday. Because I’ve been so stressed around people lately, Mum and Dad didn’t know how I’d react. Honestly, they should know me better than that. I adore Salvo’s humans. We had lots of cuddles and it really did me good. My wart isn’t in exactly the same place as Salvo’s but it does look quite similar. Mum thinks it would be wise for me to have mine removed, but we will wait to see how my front leg is doing first.
Always the vet
It seems at the moment as though life is always about the vet. I have to ring for an appointment for my routine vaccinations. They do seem to come around quickly. I suppose I should be used to them by now. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the kennel cough one up my nose. It’s just a pity I can’t have my rabies one at the same time, but I have to wait for that one until I’m in Switzerland so it can go in my passport.
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