Parcel from Cookie – Friday 6th September 2024

On Wednesday my parcel from Cookie arrived. It was so lovely to hear from her and for Mum to get the balls of wool she needs to finish her jumper. It turns out that a friend of Cookie’s human knows the shop that Mum bought the wool from. It’s an old-fashioned craft shop and Mum thinks it sounds lovely. I can see her wanting to visit it when I go to see Cookie next year.

Cookie included a lovely card with the wool. This picture isn’t actually Cookie, but a Corgi who looks just as happy as my friend does.


I’ve arranged to see my sister Valeria on Monday and Tosca on Tuesday. You know, seeing family really is very special. Monday will be after I have my updated rabies vaccination. At least that won’t be as bad as my kennel cough was and it’s valid for three years. Once that has been updated in my passport it will keep me going for all my journeys for a long while yet.

I haven’t got any trips booked after this one. I like to know when I’m going away next, but Mum has said we need to wait to see what is happening about Pebbles. When she comes to live with us she will need some settling in time before we start going too far afield. If she’s born in this country she won’t have a passport like mine. She will have to get one of the travel certificates from a vet here and then visit one of my vets abroad to ask if they will issue her with a passport. I have regular vets in both Belgium and Switzerland so I’m hoping that will be ok. If not I’ll need to see if either Cookie or Valeria can help, depending on which country I take Pebbles to first.



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