Overdoing it – Thursday 12th September 2024

Overdoing it

I may be overdoing it a little. I spent yesterday morning running on my mountain with Valeria. Oh, how I enjoyed it. You would not believe how much I barked. Ok, maybe you would. It was so much that Mum got quite fed up with my in the end. I do seem a little better around people as long as they aren’t too close, but I’m still not getting the hang of behaving myself around other dogs. One step at a time. I made Mum laugh when I passed a person without reacting and immediately asked for a treat as my reward. She said if I can be that good then she’s happy to reward me. I then spoilt it by barking until even I had forgotten why I’d started.

Visiting castles

Although I was limping a little on my front leg by the end of the walk, it wasn’t until later that I really felt it. We went to visit Hallwyl Castle in the afternoon. I said I was ok waiting in the car, so Mum and Dad looked round without me. It was raining, and I was happy to snooze the afternoon away. The only problem was that I didn’t move around as much as might have been a good idea. By the time I got out of the car I had rather seized up and squealed as I got moving again. Mum has suggested I stay on lead today so that I don’t go quite so mad.

Valeria’s Lake

We’re going for a walk near the lake by where my sister Valeria lives today. I’m not sure what we are doing after that, but there is an old town which Valeria’s human has told us about and we may go there. If I choose to sit in the car then I must remember to move around from time to time.

Love Wilma

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