Treats are important
It turns out that treats are important. It’s not just about whether you give us treats or whether you don’t, but the quality of what you have to offer. Aristotle used to be the one. He’d negotiate before doing anything. He’d ask to see the treat and if it wasn’t good enough then he’d refuse until Mum found something better. It turns out that Pebbles is quite like him.
In preparation for training Pebbles, Mum has stocked up on all kinds of treats. She took us to the pet shop and asked what to get. I just said to get one of everything and we’d see what worked. As it turned out, it was the ones I found in Switzerland that were best, as I told you the other day.
Training class
Pebbles first training class totally proved the treat point. It’s a great class with only half a dozen dogs. The others were all a little older than Pebbles and a little more experienced, but still puppies. Pebbles was so excited to meet them all. In appreciation she started the day with a giant poo, but Mum was prepared and they were outside, so that was ok. She then spent her time in the sheer joy of meeting other dogs, smelling new things and generally being unmanageable. At that point Mum was offering the Waggs training treats. Walking on a loose lead was a case in point – Pebbles wouldn’t, because the other dogs were more interesting than the Waggs.
Then Mum switched to Boony Bits. From then on it was as though she’d taken a different dog with her. Pebbles sat, waited, touched Mum’s hand, walked to heel and generally did anything required in exchange for a Boony Bit. Suddenly bulk buying seems like a good idea!
Pebbles has asked to sign up for a Friday class as well as a Tuesday, so she’s going to be a busy little girl.
Love and woofs
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