Back into the office – Tuesday 25th February 2025

Back into the office

Mum has moved back into the office. For the time I spend with Mum, I’m delighted with the arrangement. Mum is pretty happy as she can get more done. She also says the seat is much more comfortable than where she’s been working. With Pebbles it is early days. Mum has been round taping up all the cables and moving some things out of the way. It still means keeping an eye on Pebbles as there’s all sorts of mischief she could get up to. I’m not keen about sharing the nice bed with her, even if we aren’t in it at the same time.

Dog field

The dog field was good for a short time. Pebbles and I ran around madly for about fifteen minutes. Then I was really feeling it in my bad leg, so needed a break and Mum thought it was probably enough for a young puppy too. In fairness, it was more amicable than the first time, so some sort of progress. Pebbles is still a bit young for the rough and tumble I’ve got used to as I got older, so I do need to remember to be careful – although Mum reminds me often enough. Pebbles is funny going to hide under the bench.

Hanging my lead

What was really exciting yesterday was finally being able to put up the hook for my lead in my own room. When I say ‘my own’ obviously I do have to share it with Pebbles and the washing machine, but I think of it as my own. My lead now hangs on a hook by the door and there’s a hook for Pebbles’ lead to go on when she moves in. She hasn’t made the transition yet as with the other things she’s getting used to, Mum has decided it’s one step at a time.

Love and woofs


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