Tomatoes – Friday 18th August 2023


How can anyone get so excited about tomatoes? Mum and Ari planted some tomatoes but due to life getting in the way they weren’t given the attention they needed. They were late being planted and then somewhat neglected. Late in the day, Ari moved them into some special tomato bags and apart from that they’ve only had occasional watering and had to survive outdoors.

I cannot begin to describe Mum’s excitement when she came rushing in to tell Aristotle they have some tomatoes on the plants. I don’t think either of them expected any fruit at all and as it’s their first attempt they didn’t feel too bad about that. Now Mum is checking them regularly to see when they start to ripen so that she can eat them.

Good at the vet

Yesterday, if you discount the argument with a Boxer, I was very good at the vet. I only barked, he was the one who snarled. Anyway, leaving that aside, once I was in with the vet I sat quite still while she stuck three needles into the lump on my chest to take samples from it. The vet could understand why Mum was concerned. The lump is different in nature to our fatty lumps usually, but she thinks it might still be one. However we’re right to have it checked. The samples have gone away to the lab and we now have to wait for the analysis.

Today Ari will be at the vet for his abscess to be checked. He’s already said he’s feeling a lot better. He’s certainly back to moaning about everything, so we see that as a good sign.

Our office

I did say I didn’t think the office could be any more of a mess, but I was wrong. Now Mum has moved the desk into the middle of the room so she can get behind it I can see some of the other problems which need fixing. On the bright side, the skirting boards have been ordered and the flooring order should go in this weekend. Mum just needs to fill the holes in the walls and work out what to do about the missing chunk of the window sill.



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