Welcome to 2025 – Wednesday 1st January 2025

Welcome to 2025

Welcome to 2025 and a very happy new year to you all. Mum normally makes multiple new year’s resolutions. To be honest, I can get tired just looking at the list. This year she has made one and one only – to be kinder to herself. Of course, she is kidding herself when she says she only has one. I’ve seen her spreadsheet and there’s an awful lot on it. I think her point is that unless she gives herself a little more space for rest and recovery then she isn’t going to get any of the things on her spreadsheet done. Given that she’s starting the year with some sort of lurgy, I can only hope that she puts her resolution into practice.

My year ahead

What do I want from my 2025? Well, most importantly, I’d like it to be a healthy year. The librela injection has really helped with my arthritis. I even jumped up onto Mum and Dad’s bed, which I haven’t been able to do for ages. I’m moving much more easily, and want to make the most of that feeling.

Apart from that, I’d like to find a way to live in harmony with my little housemate. We haven’t got off to the best of starts and I know that’s all down to me. I’d like to find a way to settle into a mutually beneficial relationship. I’m actually having to learn how to play again. Due to my health and living with older dogs, I really hadn’t been playing as much as might have been good for me. Now I’m having to remember how to play in a way that works for Pebbles. I’ve made a start.

And my wish for you

My wish for each of you is probably what Mum has resolved. Be kind to yourselves. Give yourself space and time to relax and look after your own welfare. If you are relaxed and happy yourself, then you can bring so much more to the world around you than if you are always care worn and weary. For 2025 I wish you happiness and the ability to give yourself the love and care that you need yourself.

Love and woofs


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