Entlebucher FAQs Part 3 – Wednesday 23rd December 2020

Entlebucher FAQ’s part 3

Well here I am again with Entlebucher FAQs part 3. Mum said as everything was quiet I could answer a few more of the things you like to ask about us, so here goes.

Wilma ready to answer Entlebucher FAQs part 3

Why are you called Entlebucher?

Oh this one is easy. We originate from the most beautiful place in the world. It is the area around the town of Entlebuch in Switzerland. The countryside is so beautiful and unspoiled that it’s even been designated a World Heritage biosphere by UNESCO. It was the first place in Switzerland to be given that designation. I have been, although that is not where I go most of the time.

Entlebucher Sennenhund

We are actually Entlebucher Sennenhunde in our native country. The sennen was the cattle drover and we were his dog. My ancestors would have worked very closely with their masters taking the cows up to their Alpine pastures in the summer and bringing them back down to lower levels in the winter. If you have never seen any of the wonderful processions where cows are all dressed in their flowers and bells as they move from one to the other, then you have really missed a treat. Take a look at this. There is even an Appenzeller in this one, that’s a cousin of ours.

Our History

I could just spend today telling you all about our history. We’ve only been recognised as a separate breed for about a hundred years. Mum can happily talk for ages about the whole story, but the first description was in the late 1800s. We’ve even traced most of my family tree back to the early dogs of our breed.

Our Duties

Apart from cattle herding we also had some jobs around the farm itself. In general, the boys did the herding and the girls were more about the homestead. We didn’t do the cooking though, we were too busy acting as guard dogs and helping keep the farms free of vermin.

Some of our original roles and locations help to explain why we have just loud voices. We had to be able to shout quite loudly at times. You can hear us across a valley. It also explains why some of us feel the burning urge to go after small animals. We can be brought up with small animals and get along very well, but if we aren’t socialised at a young age for that it can be a recipe for household pet disaster.



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  1. Wilma,
    The cows coming down from their summer pastures was wonderful. I myself have seen the same parade in Entlebuch so it brought back happy memories. Love the sounds of the cow bells.

    • It is a lovely taste of home. I do miss being able to go to Switzerland.
      Hope you’ve had a great Christmas

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