Happy Days – Friday 17th March 2023

Happy days

Oh happy days, Dad is home for the next week and a half. I’m not sure which of us is more excited, me I think. Mum actually points out that I do seem to get excited more easily than everyone else, but even so. I’ve got such plans for while he’s around, I do hope he is ready to take part in them all. It’s just a shame that the forecast says it will rain every day except Sunday. Mind you, Ari is pleased as his water butts are here and now Dad’s home he’s hoping that between them Mum and Dad will install them for him. He knows where he wants them to go, which is half the battle.

Where to walk

It’s a shame the nights aren’t lighter yet as I’d take Dad out for lots of walks while I can. He’ll be working from home during the day most days, so won’t be able to come out with me all the time. Today is St Patrick’s Day and as he is now working for a Northern Irish Company, that means he’s on holiday. I’ve been thinking about where I can take him that’s different but haven’t decided on anywhere. I did have a few ideas but Mum said after all the rain we’ve had they might be a little too muddy. She lost me there. I don’t understand the concept of ‘too muddy’. Anyway, I might start by seeing if he can come to meet my boyfriend with me. I know he’ll love him.

Mum says she’s got a surprise for me later next week, but she won’t tell me what it is.

Seed trays

Aristotle’s planting has come to a brief pause. He’s run out of seed trays. To be honest, he could probably reuse some of the ones he’s already sown. I don’t think his early seeds are showing much success. He’s now asking Mum if she can install some heating in the greenhouse or find somewhere better for his seeds. Given that the greenhouse leaks badly, I think it might be a bigger problem.




  1. Happy St Patrick’s Day. Here in Toronto the garden is still white- not green- but the white stuff is melting today-and soon it will be nice and muddy like we dogs like it!

    • Hi Franz, How lovely to meet you. Make the most of the snow. We like that too, being mountain dogs.
      Please give your Mum lots of love from us

  2. I will do that. I’m told lots of stories about Winston who I believe was your penpup! I am told I have big paws to fill, and I’m doing my best to be a good puppy. They say I look like him – but a much bigger size! I’m pretty sure they love me – though they still miss Winston ??.

    • He was my penpup. I’d love you to be too. Just be yourself Franz. I had a lot to live up to following in Alfie’s pawsteps, but over the years I’ve realised that Mum can love me just as much for being me. Winston was a very special dog, but you are too.
      Have a lovely weekend
      Love Wilma

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