Water Butt Irony – Thursday 23rd March 2023

Water Butt Irony

Yesterday was definitely about water butt irony. Aristotle finally got Mum to go outside with him to install the water butts. It had been a beautiful day, but earlier on Mum had been busy. It was mid afternoon by the time they went out. All the bits are in the greenhouse waiting to be put together, so Mum and Ari went in there to read the instructions. No sooner had they unpacked the pieces and worked out what they needed to do than it started raining heavily. Of course, had the water butts been connected they could have been filling from the rain. As it was both Ari and Mum decided they’d rather be indoors, so the water butts are still waiting.

On a brighter note

On a brighter note Ari would like me to tell you that one of his tomato plants is through as well as some aubretia and rosemary. It means his many many seed trays don’t look quite so bleak, which he’s very happy about. He’s even more excited that some of his seed potatoes are looking more promising so he’s asked Mum to get the potato bags out so he can get them ready for planting. Mum is now cross with him for having put them so far out of reach and worse still in a place now covered by cobwebs.

On an outing

I’m going on a mystery outing. I have absolutely no idea where I’m going. For that matter, I’m not sure Mum is very sure. Dad’s in charge so we’re hoping all will become clear later. We’re off to find somewhere he used to go to when he was a boy. I do hope he isn’t disappointed. Afterall, it’s a very long time since Dad was a boy and things can change. I find they can change in a week, so given it’s been nearly fifty years it could be very different.



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