Trips to the Vet – Thursday 13th April 2023

Trips to the vet

Today will mostly be about trips to the vet. It’s a big day all round really. Ari can’t have his breakfast this morning, but he doesn’t mind that as much as I do. He takes ages eating it anyway and unbelievably can even walk away from it part way through. Can you imagine that? 

Anyway, he has to be at the vet at 8.45am and will be there until the afternoon. As he will have a cone on when he comes home he is going to need the big crate in the boot. That means Mum will have to collect him before taking me (with my cone on) to my 4.15 appointment. 

Please cross your paws for Ari. I know Mum and Dad are both really worried about him and we all just want him to get through the operation ok and come home safe and sound to us all. 

Technology update

Meanwhile I’m busy trying to do some updates to the diary. One will include it having a full security certificate so that it is obvious it’s completely safe. I’m also working with Mum on moving the early years to a completely new area of their own. It’s a bit complicated but I think Mum understands it better than me. I just keep asking her to take backups in case she breaks it in the process. 

Planning a surprise

I’m planning a surprise to cheer Ari up. Mum will help as I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I thought it would be nice for him to come home and find we’ve planted some more of his seeds. He needs to get his squashes and marrows started, so I asked Mum if we could have some of those ready to show him as soon as he feels well enough. If it’s dry we might put the carrot seeds in too. I do hope he’ll appreciate it and not be cross with me. 



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  1. Hope all goes well Ari, we are all thinking of you. Good luck Wilma, we have our fingers crossed that you will not need the cone anymore. Lots of ? Sheil, Mark and Dottie XXX

    • Thank you. Mum has already taken Aristotle. Now we just have to wait.
      Love to you all

  2. Dear Wilma
    Wishing Both you and Ari and your pawrents lots of positive thoughts and best wishes today from Mum and me in Canada.

    Love Franz

    • THanks Franz. We’ve just heard Ari has come round from his op. We’ll know more later.
      Love Wilma

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