How long is your grass? – Saturday 13th May 2023

How long is your grass?

‘How long is your grass?’ seems to be the new greeting in England at the moment. We seem to be in ‘Impossible to Mow May’. Every time Mum gets the mower out the rain starts. Our garden is looking odd to put it mildly. There are the parts that have not been cut at all. The parts cut on a long cut and left to ‘dry out’ and the parts cut short just before it rained yesterday. The problem is that give it half an hour and it’s all grown again, making it hard to see where Mum actually mowed at all.

I don’t suppose it really helps that I’ve been digging holes from the top and the ants are digging holes from underneath. In some places our holes actually seem to meet in the middle. Mum says that this weekend everything will change.

A weekend outdoors

Obviously the thing that won’t change is me digging. Or the ants for that matter. However the forecast is for dry weather – but then it said that yesterday and it was only kidding. Mum has charged the mower batteries to give her a head start and she has even told Dad he can use the big sit on mower to take some off the top first to make it easier.

There is just one small problem. Mum has a compost bin system. She’s organised like that. She has six compost bins and has one for each two month chunk of the year. Then she doesn’t add anything else so that she can get to the compost they make and empty them out. That’s nice in theory, but the compost bin for May and June is already full. I don’t know what her plan is in that eventuality but I’m about to find out.

I’m planning to get some more of my squash plants in too. We planted the first 29 now I just need to do the rest of them. And yes, before you ask we could be eating an awful lot of squash next autumn!




  1. Liebe Familie
    Auch bei uns wächst das Gras. Können es wegen dem vielen Regen auch nicht schneiden.
    So haben wir beschlossen, das Gras wachsen zu lassen und eine Blumenwiese gedeihen zu lassen. Whoopy, Tosca , Beija und Fenja können auf der anderen Wiese herum springen.
    Wir freuen uns auf die Blumen die auf der Wiese wachsen werden.
    Alles Liebe aus dem Kornried in Aeschi vom Berner Oberland

    • It seems to have been wet everywhere. Today was better. Wilma says she is looking forward to seeing the meadow soon.

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