New Boyfriend – Sunday 4th June 2023

New Boyfriend

I found myself a new boyfriend. There is no way Alfie would have approved if he’d still been with us. My new boyfriend is a Jack Russell. Alfie had a lifelong vendetta against them after one attacked him when he was only 16 weeks old. I went along with it while he was alive, but it’s a different matter now. Mum told me I was being a real flirt, but a girl has to use all her charms once in a while. He was great fun and even showed me where we could raid some bin bags, until Mum caught us and was absolutely furious. He was one of those typical bad boys that every girl secretly likes.

Seeing family

It’s been an exciting few days really. Yesterday I saw my sister Tosca. It was so lovely to catch up on her news. She’s nearly eleven and doing really well. She filled me in on all the news she knew about, and I told her how things were with us. You know how it is when sisters get together. I shall see my sister Valeria today and hopefully my dear Mama Susie. Mama is fifteen, which is wonderful.

I also met a dog called Arosa who had flown over for a visit from where she lives in Uruguay. How amazing is that? She said the flight wasn’t too bad, but she had some issues at passport control which took her five hours to sort out. Such is the life of a travelling dog.

My mountain

Anyway, yesterday was just perfect and finished with a walk on my mountain. Mum says while I’m here we’ll try to go up twice a day – morning and night, while it’s not too warm. That way hopefully I can get some of my fitness back. I was certainly tired yesterday and was ready to flake out afterwards.



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