Arguing before we start – Saturday 29th July 2023

Arguing before we start

Ari and I have started arguing before we start off today. It is only now that Ari has realised he can’t have the big single crate in the boot that he’s used to going in when he goes swimming. He said he wants that and I should sit on the back seat. Mum has put her foot down and asked him to try to get comfortable in his half of the double crate. It’s because she needs the travel fridge to collect the meat we’re buying from our lovely butcher in Tholthorpe. I said I’d be happy to sit with the meat, but that simply resulted in a raised eyebrow in my direction from Mum.

The second thing

The second thing that Aristotle is moaning about is that he has to use the steps instead of the ramp. The ramp tends to rattle around in the car and make loads of noise. Whereas the steps fold up nicely and stay quiet. Mum doesn’t notice the noise of the ramp anymore so it stays in the car she usually drives, whereas the double crate and steps are in Dad’s. I can still jump in, so it doesn’t bother me at all.

Dog treats

The only thing I’ve been concerned about today is whether Mum has remembered the dog treats she is going to need for us to agree to cooperate today. It’s not me so much, I can be bought easily, it’s Aristotle – again. He can hold out to get better treats even when he’s hungry. He’s tried to teach me to do it, but I think I’m basically a Labrador at heart. Just give me the food and I’m anybody’s.

Mum has pointed out that all these disagreements are why we have to get up so early when we go out for the day. Apparently she’d rather have had another half hour in bed than listen to the two of us bicker. I really can’t think why?



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