Music to my ears – Friday 25th August 2023

Music to my ears

It is music to my ears when Mum says she is taking the weekend off work. That was until she said it was so she could get cracking on the office decorating. She has promised that it won’t be all about that and as Dad’s home again now too, I’m sure it won’t be all work. Ari is, as usual hoping we will be spending a lot of time in the garden and as long as the weather is ok I’m sure we will. Mum says she wants to take lots of photos of the house and garden before we do all our building work. It will be fun to see them before and after.

Ari’s check up

Ari has his vet check up this afternoon. He’s hoping to be given the all clear and not be told he needs any further investigation. He said there is only so much having his bottom prodded that he can cope with. It’s the indignity of it as much as anything. He wouldn’t mind if the vet just sniffed it, but she will insist on prodding fingers where fingers shouldn’t go. It’s a good job he’s more patient when he’s at the vet than I am.

Finding the vegetables

We’re also going to play hunt the carrot this weekend. It’s a new game which involves Mum putting on long sleeved clothes and gardening gloves. She has to move the squash plants aside, without damaging them, to find the carrots which have become buried underneath. It’s a dangerous game involving plants that scratch, spiders and other insects. The prize will be that we get to eat the carrots. You may laugh, but the squash plants have rather taken over. If we aren’t careful they’ll be moving into the house. Ari seems very proud of them, but I am totally refusing to let any of his plants share my bed.



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