Am I in trouble – Thursday 24th August 2023

Am I in trouble

Oh boy am I in trouble. In my defence, I did stick my nose in Mum’s face at 2am to wake her, but she just thought I wanted to get into bed with her. I didn’t. Quite honestly, at that time of night I’d rather have been asleep, but I thought I ought to let her know I’d been sick all over the hall carpet. I would have told her before it happened, but there wasn’t time. The reason I was in the hall was because, again in my defence I was trying to go outside to be sick, but being the middle of the night the door was closed.

The reason it was all over the carpet was because I was being sick as I investigated if my chance either the front or back door was open.

Later that night

Mum didn’t actually get out of bed until about 3.30am. As she was awake she went to give Ari his tablet. That was when she found it. I would have slept through all this had she not then got the carpet cleaner out to wash the hall carpet while it wasn’t too dried in. She wanted the carpet to dry before she had people coming to the house for a meeting later as well. That carpet cleaner makes a lot of noise when a dog’s trying to get a good night’s sleep and isn’t feeling too good anyway.

Sworn off apples

For the first part of yesterday I was sworn off apples. I was never going to eat another, as that was clearly what had made me sick. That lasted until mid-morning when I was feeling a bit better and thought I might just have one or two.

To say that Mum is unimpressed would be putting it mildly.



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