Beautiful sunflowers
Ari asked me to should you his beautiful sunflowers. He really has excelled himself this year with them and is already planning for next year. If he plants as many as he’s talking about we’re going to have them everywhere next year, but that won’t be a bad thing.

He and Mum spent quite a bit of time tidying up the garden yesterday. Mum told him that during our building work he won’t be able to get to all the garden. Now he’s a worried dog. He’s thinking of all the things he will want to do and is concerned he won’t be able to. Mum says she’ll help him move all the plants that will be in the way of what’s going on. But he might have to be patient about other things. He shrugged and said it would be a start if Mum could get Rafa to stop peeing on all his herbs.
Rafa and the car
Mum has been desensitising Rafa to going in the car. She needs him to understand that going in the car does not mean he is being rehomed again and it isn’t a bad thing. I told you how distressed he got on the way to the vet the other day, so Mum has been trying to give him car time without there being a reason. He sat in the car whilst Mum cut the front lawn and that wasn’t too bad.
Then yesterday when Mum had to run an errand a few miles away, he went with her just for the trip. He didn’t cry at all and came back saying it hadn’t been too bad and he’d been quite comfortable. Of course, I’m a bit disappointed as I’m supposed to be the one who always goes with Mum, but as long as he doesn’t make a habit of it I can cope.