Vet visit
Yesterday the most exciting point of the day was the vet visit. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong but I had to go to have my passport stamped for coming home. It’s the same vet I saw last year when I was here, so we had a bit of a catch up. She asked about my travels and I told her how much I love both Belgium and Switzerland. She reminded me I shall need my rabies updating later this year and I said I have it planned.

I was a little barky and ‘may’ have scared a small terrier, but it’s important to make sure people know you’re around. On the bright side, she weighed me and I’m doing ok. Even though the vet in England said I didn’t need to lose anymore, Mum wanted me down a little more and I’m getting there. I think Mum is concerned to make life as easy as possible for my recovery from surgery. She also knows that once apple season comes around I’ll probably eat too many again.
Today’s excitement
After a rest day for us all yesterday, today will be exciting. I’m off to see Alfie’s breeder, which is something we all enjoy. It means an earlier start than we’ve been having. I’ll be up and ready, but I may have to encourage the humans. Dad is moving quite slowly because of his back, so it could be hard work.
It will be lovely just relaxing and remembering our wonderful Alfie. He was such a good friend when I was young and I know Mum still thinks of him a great deal. She still wears the ring she had made with his pawprints on it. I know she thinks of Shadow and Aristotle too, but Alfie was very special to her and I’m glad I shared that with them both.
We’re going to see some of Mum and Dad’s former neighbours too. That’s not until this evening. I think I might sit in the car for that one as Mum says it’s easier to talk without my barking. I can’t think what she means.
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