Moving my site – Thursday 27th February 2025

Moving my site

Mum is moving my site. If she does it right, she says that you won’t notice any difference at all. However, she has warned me that there may be a couple of days where you won’t be able to get to my diary while the move takes place. I don’t know exactly when that will be, but I promise I’ll be back in the usual place once she’s sorted things out. To be honest, I really don’t understand much of this computer stuff and the problem is that neither does Mum. She does her best, bless her.

Vet visits

Yesterday was all vet visits. Pebbles went for her rabies vaccination in the morning. Mum got her to sit on the scales first. She weighed in at 15.1kg. We’d guessed she’d passed the fifteen mark. We’re just hoping she will slow down her growth soon. Anyway, she bounced into the vet in her usual frenzied manner, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake. She threw herself at the vet telling her she loved her, as she does with everyone.

She was very good but said her injection stung a bit and felt sort of itchy for a while. She had a quiet day after that – well, by her standards anyway.

My eyes

I was making some improvement with the first medication I had. The when I switched to the stronger ointment things didn’t go so well. The vet says a small number of patients react against one of the ingredients, so we’re hoping it’s that. I’ve gone back to the first ointment whilst waiting for another to arrive. I’ve also got some antibiotics for my infected cyst. If it keeps being a problem I may need another operation. Because I’m so run down and struggling Mum asked for a full panel of blood tests to check that everything is ok. She worries as our breed is so stoic and doesn’t tell her soon enough if there’s something wrong – except Pebbles, who’s a drama queen!

Love and woofs


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