Too much excitement
Yesterday there was just too much excitement for one day. You simply cannot believe how good it feels to be out of the cone after eight straight weeks. I was patient and good, but oh boy was I bored and fed up. Mum did everything she could to keep me amused but it was hard for us all.
Because I haven’t been able to run around and exercise as normal, I was exhausted much more quickly than I expected. Mind you, so was Aristotle. He has been ambling round without anyone to ambush him, so yesterday came as a rude awakening for him.

Swarming bees
The excitement wasn’t just about being cone free. We started the day with a swarm of bees. Thankfully unlike the blue tits, these weren’t in the house. They were in a crab apple tree in the front garden. We called in a bee keeper to help. He brought a sheet to put on the ground and a box which had something special inside, though I don’t know what. Whatever it was, the bees were attracted to it and gradually made their way from the tree to the box. Then in the evening, once the queen was safely inside and all her subjects had joined her, he took the whole thing away, bees and all.

Meanwhile Dad rang to say he’d been eating alligator. Mum says she prefers to eat things that aren’t likely to bite back, but Dad seemed confident he was safe. He said it tasted like a cross between chicken and scampi. I’ve never eaten scampi so I’ve no idea what that would be like.
Then there was the mower
Finally there was the excitement around the mower. Ari, having hung up his keyboard went off into the garden to help Mum. They found the old mower in the hope it would work better than the usual one. Firstly the dipstick for the oil had fused closed. Secondly when Mum took the whole end of the oil infill the rubber washer had expired and a metal washer was badly misshapen. She put some oil in and some petrol and managed to get it started. You have never seen so much smoke from a lawnmower. I don’t think they have found the answer to their problem, but what do I know?
Oh it’s so good to be back.
Have a lovely day
Love Wilma
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