Some improvement – Monday 1st July 2024

Some improvement

Mum thinks there may be some improvement in my back starting to heal. She says she’ll have another good look at it today, but it’s possible I will be able to avoid going to the vet. I have been chewing my knees again though, so not everything is as it should be.

I really need to start going out. I’ve had enough of being stuck here and am starting to feel pretty fed up. If all is well Mum says we might try going out tomorrow. We won’t be going far, but anywhere outside the garden will feel exciting if I’m being honest.

Weird day

Yesterday was a bit of a weird day. The weather was really quite gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain at any time. It just didn’t. It’s hard to feel upbeat and positive when it’s like that. Mum and I both felt a bit tired and glum, but I guess when the sun comes out we’ll cheer up. Mum says that gardening isn’t nearly so much fun without any of us dogs out there helping. She misses Aristotle’s help for that most, I know that, but I do like being out there with her too. What I miss most is eating the apples. They are getting to a good size now and I just look at them longingly when Mum takes me out on the lead. Maybe next year.


Mum is fed up that her carrots are not going well this year. Then there have been some odd things. There was a large radish growing in the parsnip bed. Mum hasn’t grown radishes since she was a child and wanted something easy to grow – she’s never actually liked them. Something had had a nibble of it, so she got rid of that. Then she found some parsnips growing in the herb garden and she really didn’t plant them there. I think the wildlife around here might have been giving a helping paw in one or two unexpected places.



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