Rain with a chance of showers
The weather forecast seems to be rain with a chance of showers. Mum and Aristotle were getting so fed up yesterday as every time they tried to get on in the garden down would come the rain. Mum didn’t even manage to finish cutting the grass and that’s something Aristotle can’t get on with while we’re away. He can try asking Dad, but I think he’ll probably wait for Mum to come back.
It was a funny Sunday going in and out every time it rained. I think Mum spent most of the day running around opening and closing windows. Although it was funny when she and dad sat down for lunch and the rain started. Mum had hung some washing out and as she had to leave her plate to go outside, it was very nearly an opportunity for us to eat her lunch, but she moved it out of reach before going outside. Such a spoilsport.
Packing the car
This afternoon Mum and I will pack the car up ready for our trip. We’ve been discussing our route and if things go to plan will stop at a National Trust gardens instead of a motorway services. I’m not getting too excited about it yet as that was our plan on the last trip, but we were rerouted due to traffic problems.
Mum’s warned me it could be a long day, but we’ve got an audio book to listen to and we can talk to each other. Mum wants to discuss my ideas for doing some videos on our breed. I was thinking we could do something while we are in Belgium as whilst we are obviously Swiss, Mum was living in Belgium when Alfie first moved to live with her. We’re even going to visit Alfie’s breeder while we’re there, which we’re very much looking forward to.
See you later
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