Vetday – Tuesday 1st August 2023


I’m renaming today Vetday. First of all, after me scratching all down her arm, Mum is taking me to have my claws clipped this morning. I prefer to think of it as a manicure, but Mum said I shouldn’t expect anything special. Frankly, I find that disappointing. Not that Mum has ever treated herself to a manicure, so I suppose I don’t have too many grounds to complain.

It’s a good job our vet is only a short distance away, as Ari has an appointment this afternoon. He’s not looking forward to it. He says his leg has felt a little easier since Mum put him on painkillers, but he does recognise he has a problem. He is also due his annual scan, so I think he’s going to ask Mum to book that too.


In the same vein as today being Vetday, yesterday was definitely Roadworksday. To our surprise the road outside our house was closed. Not just our surprise, the poor post lady couldn’t get the van down the road and other deliveries couldn’t get through either. Mum had been out and asked what was happening and been told it wouldn’t be a problem. They didn’t tell her the truth!

I guess it was easier to say it wouldn’t be a problem than to face Mum when she’s cross. From experience, I can assure you it isn’t a pretty sight when she is. I give people a look and they know I’m not happy. It depends what mood Mum is in. On a bad day she eats them alive, but on a good day she goes away and plots her revenge by including them in a story and killing them off. Actually, now I think about it, I’m not sure which is worse.

I think Alfie’s approach was probably the best. If he wasn’t happy with something he’d pee on it. Perhaps I should suggest that to Mum.



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