Poor Aristotle – Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Poor Aristotle

Poor Aristotle didn’t have a very good time at the vet yesterday. He explained to her that he’d gone to see her about three things. Firstly the lump they checked not long ago had more than doubled in size. That led to him having a needle stuck into it. Apart from the needle that was actually good news and like me he had a cyst but his hadn’t burst. The vet used the needle to draw off all the horrible stuff, but she has warned him it may come back.

Then he talked about his leg. He has quite a bit of muscle wastage but the range of movement is good. He has to work much harder at his swimming to try to build up his muscles and might be better using an underwater treadmill, so he can’t cheat quite so much. He’s going to have a think about that one.

The bad news

The bad news is that his heart murmur has got worse. It was at a grade three last time it was checked. The scale goes up to 6 and it is now definitely 5 but probably borderline 6 – so pretty bad. How serious it is will depend on the cause and the treatment he can have. He is already on medication for his heart and was told that there wasn’t any medication for the other problem he has, so it just depends why it’s worse.

It’s just over a year since he last had a scan, so he booked himself in for Thursday next week. They won’t just be scanning his heart as he had a number of other problems show up on his scan before. He will have most of his abdomen scanned again and we will find out how he’s doing.

My manicure

In comparison, my manicure went without incident. Most of my claws were fine, but my dew claws were a bit sharp. The nurse suggested I get an emery board and ask Mum to help me file them down a bit more with that. This is where the lack of opposable thumbs becomes a real problem. I might have to ask Dad as Mum has always hated the sound of an emery board filing a nail. She’s weird!



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    • Thank you. He doesn’t want to leave Mum’s side at the moment and is quite quiet.

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